Frequently Asked Questions
How can I place an order?
- Orders are placed on the website with online payment.
When will my order be shipped?
- Orders are shipped after payment.
- It takes 3 to 15 working days to hand over the order to the delivery company.
Did the product arrive in white or blue color?
- The product is covered with a protective film. Remove it before use to make the item clear and scratch-free.
Can I exchange an item if the size is wrong?
- Yes, you can exchange it at your expense if:
1. The protective film hasn't been removed.
2. The item is intact and undamaged.
Do you make custom sizes?
- Yes, we can make custom sizes. Please email us.
How do I assemble the parts?
1. Check the parts before assembly.
2. Remove the protective film from both sides, which could be blue-transparent, white, or clear.
3. Follow the step-by-step assembly instructions. If you have any issues, email us.
What is the minimum order quantity?
- You can order from 1 unit.
Where are you located?
- We are located in UA - Kyiv, ES - Spain, and USA - Texas.